Posts Tagged ‘Creative’

You’re out shopping with…him. Or maybe just trying to enjoy the day. All you’re getting from him is complaining, being cranky, whining. Well some wonderful folks have the solution to your annoying problem…. Husband Day Care!

Yes, Ladies. A dream come true.



Ran across this guy yesterday. Why am I promoting another Humor Blog?

Because his humor is weird funny. Not for everyone. Only some (you know who you are)

From his Blog

Why are you so AWESOME and I SUCK?!


It’s Valentine’s Day and you didn’t get anything for your……… well, whatever you got.

So here ya go. Copy, print, and give to your special whatever.

Hope all goes well……….




DON’T Buy This For Your Kids

If you do, don’t let them make you any snacks… YUM!!!!!!!



My question is why would a culture that is known for men having a rather small “associate” want to celebrate it? Even the main attraction in the parade is proportionally small. I’d say, and I’m being generous, 2 inches erect.

Known as Kanamara Matsuri (common referred to as “Festival of the Steel Phallus.”, each spring the Japanese gather to take part in this joyful celebration of the almighty penis.


Some of the items at the festival are:

Penis Popsicles

Penis Candles

A Ride on a Wooden Penis

Penis Gag Glasses

and Other Various Phallic Treats



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Posted: February 13, 2014 in Creative
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