Archive for March, 2013

Late For Work? I Can Help…

Posted: March 5, 2013 in Creative
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LaughingHorseAccording to recent CareerBuilder survey, traffic is the most common cause of employee tardiness, followed by other run-of-the-mill excuses like bad weather or dropping the kids off at daycare. The survey, which was conducted among more than 2,600 hiring managers and 3,900 workers nationwide, also asked participants to share the most memorable excuses for being tardy they’ve ever heard. Check out the full report to find out what some of the most outlandish were:

CHICAGO, February 7, 2013 – Frozen car keys, a functionally fashionable cement duck, and coin-operated newspaper machines top this year’s list of most outrageous excuses for arriving to work late, according to a new CareerBuilder study. More than a quarter (26 percent) of workers admit to being tardy at least once a month, and 16 percent are late once a week or more.

Traffic is the most common culprit causing tardiness according to 31 percent of workers. Other factors include lack of sleep, the need to drop off the kids at daycare or school, bad weather and public transportation delays.

Not all employees blame jammed roads. Hiring managers shared some of the most memorable excuses they’ve heard from employees who were late getting to the office, including:

· Employee dropped her purse into a coin-operated newspaper box and couldn’t retrieve it without change (which was in the purse)

· Employee accidentally left the apartment with his roommate’s girlfriend’s shoes on and had to go back to change

· Employee’s angry wife had frozen his truck keys in a glass of water in the freezer

· Employee got a late start because she was putting a rain coat on her cement duck in her front yard (because rain was expected later that day)

· Employee’s car wouldn’t start because the breathalyzer showed he was intoxicated

· Employee attempted to cut his own hair before work and the clippers stopped working, so he had to wait until the barber shop opened to fix his hair

· Employee’s car was attacked by a bear (had photographic evidence)

· Employee drove to her previous employer by mistake

· Employee claimed to have delivered a stranger’s baby on the side of the highway

What Ever Works!!!!!